
Revere, MA

I am pleased to recommend Ribas Associates as a Professional Development. Ribas Associates has been a professional development provider for the Revere Public Schools for over 20 years. The professional development and coaching they have provided included:

1. Training all of our administrative staff in supervision, evaluation, and development of teachers and school clinical staff,
2. Coaching all administrators in difficult supervision and evaluation cases
3. Mentoring struggling and new administrators,
4. The teacher course Instruction for All Students… that teaches high leverage, research-based teaching strategies,
5. A course for school clinical staff titled Social-Emotional Learning and Special Education: Helping Students and Families,
6. The special education program Succeeding with Students with Students with Special Needs for General Education Teachers and School Clinicians,
7. Impact of Trauma on Teaching and Learning
8. Paraprofessional training Overview of Learning Disabilities in the Classroom
The professional development provided by Ribas Associates is always high quality. Their trainers/consultants are knowledgeable, engaging, and well received by our staff. Their books are all practitioner based with real world explanations, useful exemplars, and other ready to use materials. Ribas Associates provides us with options for all in-person, blended, via Zoom, and/or all asynchronously online giving the district maximum flexibility.

Overall, Ribas Associates continues to be an excellent professional development provider for the Revere Public Schools. I would recommend Ribas Associates for high quality professional development without reservations. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me using the contact information below.
Dr. Danielle Mokaba-Bernardo, Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Revere Public Schools


"It is my pleasure to recommend Ribas and Associates as a Professional Development provider. Ribas and Associates has been a PD provider in my districts for nearly 20 years. Recently, the professional development has centered around the areas of Effective Supervision and Evaluation, Inclusive Practices, Social-Emotional Learning, Special Education, English Language Learning and Effective Classroom Instruction and Assessment using the concepts from their books. The professional development provided by Ribas and Associates is always of the highest quality. I would recommend Ribas and Associates for high quality professional development without reservations.”

Dr. Josh Vadala, Superintendent,
Peabody Public Schools

“I have had the pleasure working with Bill and all the consultants from Ribas Associates for the past sixteen (16) years - first as a building principal in the Chicopee Public Schools, as Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Accountability and now as the Superintendent for the Palmer Public Schools. Ribas Associates has a wide variety of offerings that have met our needs from new teacher evaluation, administrator supervision and evaluation and calibration, new administrator training and/or mentoring programs, as well as diversity and equity audits. Bill is always willing to cater to our individual professional development needs; all the while working within our financial limitations. I would highly recommend Ribas Associates for your professional development needs.”

Matthew Francis, Superintendent,
Palmer, MA Public Schools

"Dr. Bill Ribas has been a strategic partner with Medford Public Schools for the past four years. He has provided multi-year professional development to all of our administrators which has streamlined our evaluation process. Dr. Ribas has created a crosswalk between the Ribas standards and the Five Instructional Core Actions, supporting and guiding the observational lens of the district. In addition to providing the Evaluation and Supervision course, Medford Public Schools also has participated in SEL training and leveraged insightful services from his staff. We are truly appreciative and grateful for the Ribas partnership in Medford."
Marice Edouard-Vincent, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Medford Public Schools


Consultants from Ribas Associates and Publications have been working closely with teachers and administrators in the districts in which I served as superintendent since 2012. The engagement with Ribas Associates has resulted in the following that have resulted in higher student achievement:
• Teachers have learned to create comprehensive self-assessments and professional assessments.
• Development plans that improve their effectiveness.
• Teachers have been trained in the most current research and practice in standards-based teaching, differentiated instruction, and classroom assessment.
Dr. David DeRuosi, Former Superintendent,
Malden MA, Saugus, MA, Raymond NH
Executive Director, NESDEC

Danvers Public Schools is pleased with the Special Education Audit conducted by Ribas Associates. Their work was comprehensive from data gathering, cycles of analysis and presentation. The audit was detailed, user friendly, and provides actionable steps for improvement.
Dr. Daniel Bauer, Superintendent
Danvers Public Schools

In Belmont we found the Ribas Associates special education review to be highly professional, thorough, and helpful to our continuous improvement of our general and special education services.
Dr. Jill Geiser, Superintendent
Belmont Public Schools.

"I worked with Ribas for over fifteen years- first as Principal in the Revere Public School and then as a superintendent in both Winthrop and Stoneham. Over the years they have provided professional development for our staff and administrators in educator evaluation training and coaching, differentiated learning, special education and social emotional learning. I have found their knowledge, attention to detail and their quality of work and the programs to be an excellent addition to the professional development of our educational staff."
John Macero, Former Superintendent,
Winthrop, Stoneham, and Melrose, MA Public Schools

"I have worked with Ribas Associates for many years as a principal, assistant superintendent, and now superintendent. Through Ribas Associates I have been able to customize professional development for my Leadership Team by targeting specific supervision and evaluation issues along with prioritizing the social and emotional competence of the staff they supervise. Before developing a professional development and consultancy plan for my Leadership Team, Ribas Associates spent a great deal of time listening to what our concerns and barriers were in addition to helping us develop long term goals and a criteria for success. This ability to go beyond the "one size fits all" approach has allowed Ribas Associates to have a positive impact on my district for years to come."

- Chris Malone, Superintendent,