Why Ribas?

Since 2002, Ribas Associates and Publications has been assisting K-12 school leaders and the educators in their districts in their mission to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning. We offer our clients the following:

1. Expert Practitioners: All of our professional development trainers and consultants all have over 20 years of experience as school practitioners.

2. Educator Evaluation: Our educator evaluation consultants have served as union officers, principals, assistant superintendents, and superintendents. All are knowledgeable of, and experienced with, the policies, regulations, and laws that govern teacher evaluation.

3. Thought Leadership: Our trainers' and consultants' practical background is supported by a comprehensive knowledge of the latest findings in educational research. Our book, Supervision and Evaluation of Teachers, School Clinicians, and Administrators contains all the same research and practice that was used to create the RTTT regulations on teacher evaluation found in all the states.

4. Timely Research: Our book on effective teaching is the most current and comprehensive on the market, addressing all the components found in state and district teacher performance rubrics.

5. State Specific Content: All of our programs are delivered with corresponding district initiatives and state requirements embedded into the programs. For example, educator evaluation programs always use the district's supervision and evaluation document, contract language, and initiatives in curriculum and instruction.

6. Pragmatic Programs: We are experienced with and have programs specifically designed for work with schools identified as underperforming.